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Role: Junior Art Director
Year: 2018
About the project
As a bank big player in Indonesia, BCA (Asian Central Bank) wants to enlarge their customer to open bank account. They have special offer for those who opens a new bank account to get free vouchers in return. BCA works with various brand such as Gojek and Grab to extend the hype

BUNINGSIH - Buka rekening voucher dikasih
Bu in Indonesia is refer to mam. So we made a character of a cool looking madame for this spesific campaign.
The persona of Buningsih is specially made to be alluring people to open bank account to get vouchers in return. Buningsih is ilustrated as a funky, popular midle age woman that relates with how most javanesse dressed nowadays.
Within this execution Buningsih campaign become one of the most profitable campaign in BCA's history

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